Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mmmm BBQ!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to our M&M Meat Shops Building for Ghana Charity BBQ!

A BIG thank you! to Richard and his staff at M&M Meats Shops and also to Jon and his staff at Cobs Bread for their generous support of the BBQ! We were serving up some delicious Tasty Burgers and hot dogs on delicious Cobs buns!

Sharon, Alison & Chantal serve up a hot dog, assembly line style:
BBQ --> Bun --> Serving Bag - nicely done women!

We also have to send a big thank you out to our friends who volunteered to help out by flipping and serving burgers and hot-dogs and enticing donors to our table while spreading the word about Habitat for Humanity and our house building trip to Ghana. Thank you Al, Alison, Chantal, Crystal, Emma, Gerry, Jen, Sharon, Mike & Zeta - you guys ROCK!!!

Crystal and Zeta were working hard to cut the buns Cobs Bread donated.

The well gloved Al & Alison were serving up some delicious BBQ!
He could have used these later on when he helped us clean
the grill - what a trouper!

We met a few people who had some wisdom and advice to share about traveling to Africa which was awesome as always! I think we also recruited a few more skilled trades volunteers for Habitat for Humanity Victoria which is always a good thing.

Gerry our Master BBQ'er

Chantal, our Mistress BBQ'er

Overall the weather was great and we couldn't have asked for a warmer, sunnier day in September - the clouds held off and we had loads of happy customers.

Little Emma, and I don't think our other volunteers would take offense
if I said she was our cutest volunteer, did a great job of handing out coupons to
our donors - here she's taking a well deserved hot dog break.

Jen came by to do some street side advertising.
Here she is hiding beside her impromptu sign!

A special thanks also goes out to our new friend Mikhail who came by with his parents after karate. He enjoyed a hot dog and soon he was our biggest supporter, telling every passer-by what we were all about and that a hamburger or hot dog was "just a donation" - great job Mikhail - thank you!

Our new friend, Mikhail

All in all, it was a great success and we were able to raise $624.86 - thanks Victoria! That officially puts us over the half way point for our $6,000 goal - we're getting there!

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